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SBC gets „481 Unknown Dialog“ back from Provider

by enricojost

Hi Folks!

Keep your Eyes open for the following.

Call-ID of an incoming call from ITSP to the SBC:
Call-ID: WrbQ1113011021H%[email protected]

The SBC responds on the INVITE with:
Call-ID: WrbQ1113011021H

After this the Provider responds with a „Unknown Dialog“ and ends the call. Obviously the SBC cuts of some parts of the originally provided Call-ID.

The % character is generally supported but to be treated just as a character, it needs to be quoted. Otherwise it is treated as an ASCII code %Hexadigit.

In my example the Call-ID is: WrbQ1113011021H%[email protected]

It is considered as escape character which is an ASCII code for Shift-in – which is not a part of word character set.

This causes the rest of the header to be discarded.

From RFC3261 [Page 227] : callid = word [ "@" word ]

and „word“ can include only (from same RFC [Page 220]) :

 word        =  1*(alphanum / "-" / "." / "!" / "%" / "*" /
"_" / "+" / "`" / "'" / "~" /
"(" / ")" / "<" / ">" /
":" / "\" / DQUOTE /
"/" / "[" / "]" / "?" /
"{" / "}" )

To repeat / summarize:

% ASCII is Shift-in which is not a part of „word“ as defined in RFC3261 – so everything coming after the percentage will be discarded within the communication.

Ribbon is aware of this issue with the % character – it was also reported from another customer in APAC region.

As this is not their issue – providers/PBXes not being RFC-conform – there is no official fix/workaround.

Nevertheless they have a private build that customers can try – once this kind of behavior/issue was confirmed.



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